Cycle paths

Giving space for cyclists

Encouraging getting around by bike is part of the Fund’s mobility strategy, which aims to make the Kirchberg a true district for short-distance travel.

The redevelopment of Avenue John F. Kennedy already reflects a reorientation in concepts of mobility, prioritising pedestrians and cyclists over motorised traffic. The cycle path developed during construction of Avenue Kennedy is located on the south side. It is a two-way cycle path, connecting at the city end to the new development along the Fondation Pescatore retirement home. The cycle path, built at the same time as the tram stop on the northern side of the avenue, operates in both directions, and is reserved exclusively for cyclists. Since it runs past the funicular terminals, it offers a direct connection to the Pfaffenthal and the train stop.

The spaces to either side of the path are home to sizeable areas of local planting, chosen in consultation with the Luxembourg Nature and Forest Agency. The cycle path effectively serves the workplaces, mainly located on the northern side of Avenue John F. Kennedy. 

Over 50% of cyclists believe that travelling by bike is particularly safe on the Kirchberg plateau.

According to a survey conducted by the IMS association as part of the “Positive Drive” campaign, co-financed by the Fund, over 50% of cyclists believe that cycling is particularly safe on the Kirchberg plateau, and more specifically along Avenue John F. Kennedy.

Moreover, the Fund has built around six additional pedestrian/cyclist crossings over the full length of the avenue, at strategic points with high densities, with a view to improving safety for pedestrians and cyclists when crossing the avenue.

In 2020, a working group was formed to implement improvements to the cycle network on the Kirchberg plateau. This group is tasked with tracking the broad outline of the recommendations of the report from Gehl architects (Public Space Network Plan), notably those from the “cycling toolbox”.

The working group that will look at the cycle path network comprises representatives of the various stakeholders: the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, the Luxembourg City Administration (Roads Department), the Bridges and Roads Agency, the not-for-profit organisations Pro Velo, Adapth and Quartier Stuff Grünewald, and the Kirchberg Fund.

The working group will have three tasks:
  • In the short term, individual improvements to the existing network, for instance in terms of signage, clear separation of space for cyclists and for pedestrians, and adding crossings for pedestrians/cyclists. The objective here is to secure quick wins, using simple but effective interventions that will have a perceptible effect on ease of use of cycle paths.
  • In the medium and long term, more substantial redevelopment of the roadways, to give priority to soft mobility.
  • As a standing task, supporting future, large-scale urban planning and infrastructure projects (Kuebebierg, Luxexpo site) to ensure integration of the strategies advocated by the Gehl architects’ office in all developments on the Kirchberg.

In general, this represents a process of transition towards a new mobility whose effects will be felt gradually, without it being a project in the proper sense with a clearly-defined start and end.

A design office will be commissioned by the Kirchberg Fund to support the working group and to carry out a full inventory of the areas liable to be improved or complemented by these links. On the basis of this inventory, the working group will define priorities and will make suggestions for each location where improvements can be made. The design office will look at feasibility and draw up the detailed plans. For major urban development and road infrastructure projects, the working group will give its opinion on compatibility with the “philosophy” enshrined in the Gehl report.

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